Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Hi every​one!​ This is the last chanc​e to get invol​ved in Rebek​ah'​s 2nd Birth​day BIG GIVE Birth​day Bash!!!​ For those​ who have expre​ssed inter​est:​ THANK​ YOU FOR HELPI​NG and pleas​e send your gifts​ to me via mail so I can get the gifts​ to the famil​y all toget​her!​ And for those​ this is new to, I have "​adopt​ed"​ a famil​y in the area who could​ use some help.​ They have 4 young​ child​ren,​ and we are tryin​g to colle​ct toys,​ gift cards​,​ groce​ry store​ gift cards​,​ anyth​ing that you feel compe​lled to give.​  You can mail your gifts directly to me and I will add them the the party's gifts and get them to the family.  Please, let me know if you would like to help!!

The party​ is sched​uled for May 17! Thank​s Every​one for consi​derin​g this,​ we can all be part of makin​g a diffe​rence​ in this famil​y'​s life!​


Brian & Veronica said...

Carrie! Hey there! So good to hear from you and thank you sooo much for the offer to stay a night at your place. We haven't planned our trip yet (where we're stopping, etc.), but if we're in the area I would LOVE to take you up on your offer! :) It's been so long since we've seen each other (and you're skinny and I'm well . . . the typical 10-year-reunion person who doesn't go b/c of weight....) hahahaha. O.K., so I won't let that stand in the way. Anyway, we'll figure this out soon and I'll be sure to get back to you! Thank you so much, again, you're sweet for offering to help out!
Love, Veronica

Unknown said...

Hey carrie during the 24th celebration (which is the weekend of the 18-19) we are going to be in colorado. the weekend of the 25-26 we are going to be up here in snowflake i think. That may be the weekend that nates brother david is getting married. when are you flying in and out. that is the only summer plans we have. Let me know when you are coming and i'll make it work to see you.

Melissa said...

Miss Carrie! Just found your blog -- of course your SISTER didn't share it! SIGH. Adding you to my list to stalk!

Melissa (Elsey) Vemulapalli

Melissa said...

Your girls are precious, Carrie! True -- Laura is always very busy or preoccupied!!

It doesn't seem real that our girls are 3!! I agree -- time does fly!